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Poking and Prodding Aug 19

Today has been quite the day of poking and prodding for Kevin.  He had his esophogoscomy (yes, that is the correct word) bag changed, and re-figured with the oscomy nurse.  We’ve shaved his beard CLEAN off, he’s had his dressing changes on EVERYTHING, and it hasn’t been pleasant with the tape coming off.

Needless to say, he’s just rather uncomfortable tonight.  He did enjoy getting into a chair, but was only there for a few hours, as he still can’t get comfortable sitting.  It will be so much better when the last chest tube is removed and he can finally begin walking.

He said he was pretty amazed to find his legs could barely hold him up, let alone walking to the chair next to the bed.  He has a long haul of PT ahead of him but he’ll get there.

This afternoon Kevin had another heart-rate jump, but no one seems to concerned.  The cardiologists figure this is normal due to the paracardial fluid around the heart.  They’re keeping a close monitor on it, nonetheless.

Kevin has also been having a lot of coughing and just general discomfort.  Pray for easement of his pain and loosening of his cough to allow him to relax and get some much needed rest.

We ask for prayer for rest and relaxation for Kevin as he’s unable to be comfortable right now.  I also ask prayer for my new housing tonight and safe travels for all.

Please continue to lift as up as we keep on keepin’ on.  Thank you.

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