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Good Things Come to Those Who Wait Oct 26

..and we certainly waited!  It is SO very nice to be back at Hopkins.  As Kevin told me, the luxurious feeling of Lancaster General is nice and comfortable.  However, the skill for Kevin’s type of cancer and familiarity with his case at Hopkins is even more so.  We are so blessed to have the opportunity to get Kevin’s care at Hopkins and are praying that Monday morning offers up new plans, changes and positive results.

Today was overall a success.  Kevin’s fever is pretty much gone, but there is still concern over his rising white cell count that indicates infection.  He is on plenty of anti-b’s to cover any and all infections.

Tonight, they are taking him off the amnioderone (sp?) medication that is helping to stabilize his heart-rate.  He’s been really good with heart rate and blood pressure, with few instances of irregularities.  We are praying coming off this medication will be safe and that his body will have a positive adjustment to it.

Dr. Thornton, our main oncologist will be with us tomorrow, and we pray we get some answers from the CT scan that was taken today after a painful round of that.  They thankfully have his pain managed very well, and finally put him on a pump so that he can control his pain dosage.  He was pretty zonked when I left, so I’m praying he gets a good rest tonight!

I am nervous, yet excited about all the doctors being here tomorrow to get things moving.  I’m nervous about what may be found from the recent cultures, tests and such.  But overall, excited about progress, and trusting God’s infinitely perfect will for us.

It is hard to completely let control of the situation go, however, I know that I have no actual control over it.  It is entirely in God’s hands, and he is directing those who are caring for Kevin to do his work.

Pray for stability, rest, and GOOD results and forward moving ahead.

Thank you all.

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One Response

  1. 1

    there was such an amazing spirt in the air at the social here in Winnipeg.. lots of hugs as people came in, meeting one another after long periods of not keeping in touch relizing that their friendships had withstood the time apart and that they had been brought back together for such a heartfelt reason. NO TEARS but tons of emotion. It was easy to part with our money for more and more raffle tickets when there was such a spirit of hope all around.. blessings on you both from friends, new/old, close and distant…..

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